

Many companies today are subject to the 'take-back obligation'. The take-back obligation means that you as a company are responsible for the collection and processing of the waste of your products. Where the government initially often took this responsibility, they now often don't count these activities to their core business and outsource this to you as a company. Since this is also not part of the core tasks of your company, this duty entails you very high costs.

CityGreenPoint is a new, innovative waste collection concept. If you as a company/government use this concept, we take the obligations on collection, processing and reporting for you, in short CityGreenPoint offers a total solution for you.

The CityGreenPoint collecting station is a compact, clean and multi-purpose collection system in a contemporary design. The collection stations can be adapted individually due to a modular system. They are equipped with LED-lighting, self-sufficient due to solar panels or wind turbines and can be expanded with for example a customer card system or charging point for electric bikes.